Sunday, June 26, 2011


他  不久前改名了

以前的名字  不算是什么特别好听的名字
但那两个字  是挺特别的
曾经是把那两个字  盲目的写了好几百遍
在课本上  笔记本上  课室桌面上  厕所镜子上  巴士窗边框上
那时  无意间看到那两个字  也会心跳加速那么一点点
对我  那两个字是温暖的  

而现在换了两个字  是冷冰冰的
他  已不是以前那个他了

是放下了没错  但
想一想  都过了三年了 =)


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Haa haaaa haaaaaa choooooo!!

This place is getting dusty and old. Don't know when and why, the feeling of blogging just went away from me. Maybe I grown up and become more matured and have a job and have much more responsibilities and have less time to waste #insertproudface

Haha which means no more student life and no super extra carefree time to eat and sleep and shit and eat again and sleep again and then blog #proudfacegone

Or simply because I've past that age #wrinklefacewtf

Anyway, just feel like writing something right now. No particular topic =.=

Hmm..I realized I haven't blogged that I'm currently in Macau already. Last actual blog was the end of my 6 months in Singapore, still not knowing where I'm heading to. But now, I'm right here in Macau, on the 22nd of June, already finishing my 4th month in Wynn. Whoosh. Just like that, time flies. 

I'm gonna be honest, I don't like the country at all. It's not somewhere I'd picture myself in. It's a boring boring city for me. Just one shopping mall. Just 2 cinemas. No decent bookstores. No english speakers. Limited nice people ehemm. Sigh. I'm bored to hell here. I honestly can't imagine how kids grow up here. Where's their hang out spots? Casino hotels? Urghh...

Well, let's look at the bright side. The money's good. No kidding, I'm being realistic. The money's good, the hotel name's fancy for the resume. Done. Enough said.

Not gonna stay very long though. We'll see.

Ok bored enough. Random picture time. Start from long time ago Singapore photos.

Toby. My Singaporean housemate wtf.

 Jap meal in Singapore. Da jie's treat. I tried Kobe beef =D

Soya ice cream. Gosh I want one now!

My only present on my 22nd birthday. Pity-nya. Thx dajie~

Some crunchy cream puff thingy. Yumm.

Ahhhh...This. I definitely will miss. Macarons from Bakerzin. I love this brand of deserts.

Pig Wooi came to visit. =D


Syn and family came to visit. We went to Universal Studio!!

Cowgirl me. Yeeeha!

Colleagues in Link Singapore. The one behind is Calvin. Nice big bro. 

Wendy. Trainee from China. Gotta love her.

Advertising photo for Link. No kidding, this is stuck on the pillar outside the hotel >_<

 Spent my last CNY in Msia before going to Macau. I guess CNY 2012 and 2013 will be spent here =(

Gahhh! I miss home so much.

Did I mention I graduated?

I'm mama's first child to graduate! #proudface

My financial provider also graduates with me. So from that moment on, I guess I gotta feed myself =(

Haha pig and I trying our best to show our eyes. #fail

He fake graduated.

My martini mun mun. I miss you liao lar...

Us and the new sweet couple. =)

Syan and Renelle.

Just realized Macau photos are not in my laptop but in my iphone. Can straight away upload to facebook so I didn't save it here wahaha so nice I love iphone =D 

So that's it for now. Kthxbai.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Background story: 

This morning everyone was out leaving only me n Lazy Yuen home.
I was still sleeping around 11am when the doorbell rang like crazy. Lazy me ignored it thinking someone will go check it as I didnt realize it was only us two at home and he is of course sleeping also. 
Then it rang again like some emergency. 
So I lazily got out of bed and out of my room and out of the house. Ahh it was some postman only ishh not the point nevermind.

YES this is my current state of life now. Sleeping till sun shines on butt (Momma always says that) and wake up online and watch pps and eat and laze more. Happy max LOL.

End of background story.

Main story >_< :

Do you know there's something called Anagram?
Well I saw from someone's blog and quote her --- “All the life’s wisdom can be found in anagrams. Anagrams never lie.”

Here's some examples.
Osama bin Laden = A bad man (no lies).
The terrorist Osama Bin Laden = Arab monster is no idle threat.

And so, I did mine here.

Leong Zhao Min anagrams to..

'Leong Zhao Min'
anagrams to
'Lazing on home.'

Yikes! How NOT true!! FML. 
Self debate: Less than a month ago I was still under the "employed" group and I'm soon gonna join it back after cny marrr. Only this less-than-two-months period I'm Lazing on home(how come got grammar mistake LOL) only wert. Ishh. And I didn't change my name also. YERRR.

On the bright side, maybe having this name means I am meant to be Lazing on home a.k.a. Enjoying life! >_< LOL!

Not satisfied, I dumped my last name and tried again. Ends up..

'Zhao Min'
anagrams to
'Hi! Monza.'

Monza >_<" 
I am speechless.

And I tried Tally's name.

'Wooi Yan Qin'
anagrams to
'Ya! IQ on wino.'

Doesn't quite make sense but it sounds like he has winning IQ. Lazy me vs Smart him. Unfair. *pouts*

Maybe similar names get similar anagrams. Try Lazy Yuen.

'Leong Zhao Yuen'
anagrams to
'On lazy, huge one.'

GAHAHAHAHH. I am right!! He's more's lazy than I am. 
LOL That's why he is LZY Lazy Yuen. 
The super ultimate ginormous HUGE one. GAHAHAHHHH!!

Now, of course I've gotta try the name of my favourite person in the world -- Momma.

'Tan Kim Hong'
anagrams to
'Hot man king.'

Monday, January 3, 2011

下一站 是什么

都是因为你  才能够走下去的

下一站  是什么