Background story:
This morning everyone was out leaving only me n Lazy Yuen home.
I was still sleeping around 11am when the doorbell rang like crazy. Lazy me ignored it thinking someone will go check it as I didnt realize it was only us two at home and he is of course sleeping also.
Then it rang again like some emergency.
So I lazily got out of bed and out of my room and out of the house. Ahh it was some postman only ishh not the point nevermind.
YES this is my current state of life now. Sleeping till sun shines on butt (Momma always says that) and wake up online and watch pps and eat and laze more. Happy max LOL.
End of background story.
Main story >_< :
Do you know there's something called Anagram?
Well I saw from someone's blog and quote her --- “All the life’s wisdom can be found in anagrams. Anagrams never lie.”
Here's some examples.
Osama bin Laden = A bad man (no lies).
The terrorist Osama Bin Laden = Arab monster is no idle threat.
And so, I did mine here.
Leong Zhao Min anagrams to..
'Leong Zhao Min'
anagrams to
'Lazing on home.'
Yikes! How NOT true!! FML.
Self debate: Less than a month ago I was still under the "employed" group and I'm soon gonna join it back after cny marrr. Only this less-than-two-months period I'm Lazing on home(how come got grammar mistake LOL) only wert. Ishh. And I didn't change my name also. YERRR.
On the bright side, maybe having this name means I am meant to be Lazing on home a.k.a. Enjoying life! >_< LOL!
Not satisfied, I dumped my last name and tried again. Ends up..
'Zhao Min'
anagrams to
'Hi! Monza.'
Monza >_<"
I am speechless.
And I tried Tally's name.
'Wooi Yan Qin'
anagrams to
'Ya! IQ on wino.'
Doesn't quite make sense but it sounds like he has winning IQ. Lazy me vs Smart him. Unfair. *pouts*
Maybe similar names get similar anagrams. Try Lazy Yuen.
'Leong Zhao Yuen'
anagrams to
'On lazy, huge one.'
GAHAHAHAHH. I am right!! He's more's lazy than I am.
LOL That's why he is LZY Lazy Yuen.
The super ultimate ginormous HUGE one. GAHAHAHHHH!!
Now, of course I've gotta try the name of my favourite person in the world -- Momma.
'Tan Kim Hong'
anagrams to
'Hot man king.'